Quickly locate and navigate between differnt hyperlinks in document If you wanto locate and navigate between different hyperlinks in document, please click on a hyperlink in Hyperlink Manager dialog box, it will locate and navigate to the position of this hyperlink in current document, and highlight the hyperlink in the document as shown in the below screenshot. Tip: When you clicking on the specific hyperlink in the Hyperlink Manager dialog box, it will quickly locate and navigate to the position of the hyperlink in the document immediately.

And all hyperlinks of current document will be listed as shown in the below screenshot. It will display the Hyperlink Manager dialog box. Create your photo effect by filters combination.

Key features include: Apply photo filters and effects easily. The kit contains FX Photo Studio and the other five photo editing apps. See screenshot: List all hyperlinks of current document If you wan to list all hyperlinks of current document, please apply this utility by clicking Kutools Plus Hyperlinks Manager. To get FX Photo Studio, you can pay 20 to buy the app separately or purchase the Creative Kit for 89.99.
: Add 100 New Advanced Features to Word 2003 / 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019.: Enable Tabbed Editing and Browsing in Office, Just Like Chrome, Firefox, IE 8/9/10.: Bring Old Look of Office 2003 Back to Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 20.